ふじみ野 ステラ・ウェスト
竣工 2023年
場所 埼玉県ふじみ野市
建築 久米設計
照明 杉尾篤照明設計事務所
Fujimino Stella West
The place is a comprehensive cultural facility that houses a multifunctional hall, music/cooking studios, a library, and a cafe, and which is available to everyone from professionals to citizens. In areas adjacent to the reading room and the cafe, the terraces facing the green are scattered to correspond to the pattern of the exterior wall, and furniture is arranged according to the number of users and various stays. Also, the open space leading from the car parking to the main entrance serves as a promenade to the adjacent welfare center and works as an event space. These places are to be a local hub where people can glance at the various activities, admire the greenery, and stay under the trees. As a place where people can enjoy encounters with people, things, and events in everyday life.
Completed 2023
Location Fujimino City, Saitama
Architect Kume Sekkei
Lighting Sugio Lighting Design