イデアレーブ イケガミ
竣工 2021年
場所 東京都大田区
建築 佐々木設計事務所
写真 太田拓実
インターナショナルアーキテクチャーアワード2022 受賞
A new scene emerged in a traditional neighborhood that retains the bustle and nostalgic atmosphere. This facility is a residential unit that specializes in music. The facility features a hall with a sound system and mini kitchen that is available to use at events, and each dwelling unit is soundproofed. The minimalist expressions developed from architectural details continue into the tiny outdoor spaces adjacent to the residential area. Accent plants are arranged at the key point within the inorganic texture.
Completed 2021
Location Ota City, Tokyo
Architect Ryuichi Sasaki Architecture
Photo Takumi Ota
International Architecture Awards 2022, Winner