

竣工  2020年
場所  東京都中央区
土木  復建エンジニヤリング
写真  湾岸新聞 (1番目)

Toyomi Athletic Park

Located along a canal with a view of the Rainbow Bridge in the distance and the Olympic Village (now ‘Halumi Flag’) on the opposite shore. With the relocation of the adjacent old elementary school, the site was redeveloped in phases in addition to the existing park. It is a place of both recreation and relaxation where people can enjoy activities such as soccer, baseball, tennis and fitness, as well as BBQ and playground equipment. We sought to create a new usage and a sequence leading to the canal, while utilising the giant trees as the foundation of the landscape. The embankment which separated the canal from the park was transformed into a grassy slope, highlighting the water's edge where people can ease amidst the sea breeze. The sky and the sea seems endless as it spreads its way through the green shades of the trees, emphasising the beauty of the bay area that is lined with high-rise buildings.

Completed 2020
Location Chuo City, Tokyo
Civil Engineering Fukken Engineering
Photo WANGAN NEWS (1st)




富士急ハイランド セントラルパーク